Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Starscream's Ghost

Episode Name: Starscream's Ghost
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 3
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Galvatron is seeking the traitor Octane... to destroy him! Octane runs to the Autobots for help, first to Autobot City, and then to Cybertron. He befriends the Autobot Sandstorm, who helps him to Cybertron.
But when a Decepticon ambush forces Octane to hide in the Crypt, the Decepticon tomb, he makes the next Transformers paranormal discovery... Starscream is now a ghost, and he's ready to kick Galvatron's butt!

Mission Review:
Apparently, I deal with DeceptiGhosts better than AutoZombies (lol!). But my favorite Decepticon's back, and I'm not caring which form! This Starscream is the one we see in Starscream's Brigade, as in the brave (though still slightly stupid) one!
I'm so sorry... I got a little carried away. The story here still wasn't bad. The only story glitches were minor (like they never mentioned Sandstorm's name... I knew it because I'm re-watching these, and remembered a show where he pops up and the name is mentioned). Otherwise, the story was very good.
This episode is one of my favorite ones(DUH!).

Dark Awakening

Episode Name: Dark Awakening
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 3
Rating: Two Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
When Rodimus, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Spike, and Daniel are chased by Decepticons into an Autobot tomb, they make a surprising discovery... Optimus Prime lives! But he is acting strange, especially when he opens fire on them, and then sends the tomb on a collision course with a nearby sun... with them trapped inside! The Autobots and humans escape, but they then find out that Optimus took the whole Autobot fleet Quintesson-hunting!
Something smells like a five-faced-fish...

Mission Report:
Mainly, it was the content of this story. We had an Optimus Prime robo-zombie under Quintesson control! I know, I know, I have a Forsaken character on W.O.W., but I still didn't like OptiZombie! His character stayed, luckily. But the show lost a bunch of Spaceships due to this fact. At the most, there were a few amusing lines I liked, but not much else.
Some of you might ask, "Okay, then why didn't this get one Spaceship?" Funny thing is, the story itself was very good! It was well-written, and well done. That's what earned it the extra Spaceship.
This was one of my least favorite episodes, but I tip my hat off to the writer.


Episode Name: Chaos
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's) Season 3
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
The Decepticons have a new weapon. It uses a crystal type called Death Crystals as ammo... and these crystals can cut through anything! When they find out, Kup and a group of Autobots, including the Junkion Wreck-Gar, go to stop the Decepticons.
But to win the day, Kup is going to have to face a monster from his past... a monster named Chaos... the source of the Death Crystals...

Mission Report:
This one is another of my faves. The story was very good, except for a few glitches. The idea and the story was pretty well done, and I really enjoyed it. Kup facing his past and the monster of it was a very good idea.
But what's with the Predacons? I thought that they were the Quintessons', and now they're the Decepticons! Oh yeah, and then there's Goo... didn't Galvatron destroy that planet, or was the one in this episode a new one? Yeesh... make up your mind on this kind of stuff, guys, or at least tell us what's going on!
Otherwise, this is one of my fave shows.

The Killing Jar

Episode Name: The Killing Jar
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 3
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
A Quintesson scientist and his guard captures the Autobot Ultra Magnus, the Decepticon Cyclonus, the Junkion Wreck-Gar, and the human EDC (Earth Defense Command) officer Marissa Faireborne (sp?). The scientist wishes to experiment on them, but they get a boatload of trouble... or should I say a spaceship-load of troube (lol!)! First it's an electron storm, but then it's a black hole!
The unlikely gang may have to team up to save their skins...

Mission Report:
This is another of my favorites. The story was well-done, except for some minor glitches. It was enjoyable, but I've told you before that I like team-ups.
It also points out an interesting point. Cyclonus and Ultra Magnus are peas in a pod (even the Quintesson said so!), yet the war keeps these two apart. This is probably the only episode where we see them team up (as well as everyone else). Seriously, it's kind of sad! It's a bitter point about war: two guys who could be best friends are mortal enemies. That was a well-shown moral, and it goes to the rest of the galaxy in this episode.
This was a well-done episode, and I enjoyed it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Episode Name: Vendetta
Series: Warehouse 13, Season 2
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
More trouble comes from Artie's past! A Russian killer is on the loose, and he's using artifacts from Artie's past. Artie, Myka, and Pete are trying desperately to find him, and stop him. Helena G. Wells joins them in the hunt. But will the killer get Artie? Meanwhile, Claudia discovers that there's a mystery behind her ex-boyfriend Todd.

Mission Report:
This was a very good show on both sides. The stories were well-done, and put together well. It was kind of a disappointment that Dickson had to go, however. I know he didn't play a big part, but you feel a small connection to him.
It's also a good episode for a series. This once again deals with Helena. We discover the reason she was bronzed, and she rejoins the Warehouse. But Artie doesn't trust her, though everyone else does. I'm in with the rest of the gang, but I can't quite forget where the ending of first episode of Season 2 (Time Will Tell) left off, with her making that picture we could, yet couldn't, see. And what's with her ring? Did we all forget that? Does it do something, or is it harmless? You are sort of torn between trusting her, and wondering if something else is going on. It's perfect for keeping you in the series.
This was a very good episode. The story was very well-done in both sides, and it was enjoyable. And meeting Kassan(sp?), the "kind-of" boss of the Regents, was pretty cool as well.
This was a very good episode.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Five Faces Of Darkness Parts 1-5

Episode Name: The Five Faces of Darkness Parts 1-5
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 3
Rating: Two and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Taking off in the future, 2005, and where the Transformers movie left off, Rodimus Prime is the new leader of the Autobots, Cybertron belongs to the Autobots again, Galvatron's gone, and the Decepticons suffer on the planet Char.
But when Spike and some Autobots are kidnapped, it becomes clear that there are more enemies in this universe than suspected. Meanwhile, Cyclonus works to revive the Decepticons by getting their leader, Galvatron, back.
But these new enemies are after all three species listed: Autobots, Decepticons, and humans! Will justice finally win the day, or are the Transformers doomed to die?

Mission Report:
Yes, it's got lore. Yes, we meet new characters, and see familiar faces. Yes, we see new planets.
But it's way too long! I was never a multi-parter girl anyway, but it was too long! It took five episodes to do this, but I feel like it could have been done in less episodes... at least only four (though less preferred)!
And there were multiple story glitches. For some they were clever, and you could blame it on Galvatron's new madness. But others weren't! For one, in this they say that the Quintessons are the creators of the Transformers. But there was no back-up story on the Matrix of Leadership... and they forgot all about Vector Sigma! What was the deal with that? To boot, there was another life created on Earth without this mega-computer! These folks really like to forget story details! And it's annoying... and then, since I'm re-watching this series, here's a question the creators also forgot: WHAT HAPPENED TO BLITZWING? We never see him again! One of the heroes of the last episode (funnily enough), and we never even find out what happened to him! YEESH!
The story wasn't total trash, but there were too many glitches to make it very good. The idea was good, but the real killer was that it was so long. So many story glitches didn't help this problem.
The bad news? You have to watch this to help know what the rest of the series is about, but it's no whoopee for me.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Episode Name: B.O.T.
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Three and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
It begins when Swindle sells the parts of his fellow Combaticons. Megatron, wanting Bruticus, orders Swindle to reassemble the Combaticons, or be destroyed! He has a new plot which he needs Bruticus to perform.
But a trio of high-school kids entering a science contest get a hold of Brawn's personality component by accident. They build it into their contest entry: a robot called "B.O.T." But this robot goes insane!
If the Autobots save the day from B.O.T., will they still be able to save the world from Megatron?

Mission Report:
Another iffy one. The story was better than the last one, but it still wasn't the greatest. This episode was just okay. On the bright side... at least they didn't end Season 2 of The Transformers on a bad episode!

Aerial Assault

Episode Name: Aerial Assault
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
The Aerialbots are in the Middle East to discover why airplanes have been disappearing in the area. But after a Decepticon ambush, two Aerialbots stay behind at a hanger to see if they can catch the thieves. Bad news? They get captured, and have no help! And the Decepticons are working with the smugglers, whose boss (camed Ali) threw out a prince. The two Aerialbots, Slingshot and Skydive, get help from a local boy named Hassan(sp?), but will it be enough to stop the Decepticons this time?

Mission Report:
It's another one of those "not bad but not good either" shows. The story was okay, but not my favorite. It's an okay show.

The Revenge of Bruticus

Episode Name: The Revenge of Bruticus
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Three and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Starting off where the last episode (Starscream's Brigade) left off, Starscream leaves the Combaticons on the asteroid. But the Combaticons manage to get to Cybertron, where they begin their plan of revenge. They take over Cybertron, and with the Spacebridge technology they send Earth on a crash-course with the sun!
It's going to take an unlikely team-up to stop the Combaticons (who can unite into Bruticus), but will it be enough?

Mission Report:
This wasn't the best of episodes, but not the worse. The story was okay. I really like any story that has the Autobots and Decepticons team up, even for a short time, but this wasn't the best. But, hey... it wasn't the worse either.
This episode was only okay.

Starscream's Brigade

Episode Name: Starscream's Brigade
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four and a Half Spotlights

Mission Briefing:
After another failed attempt to kill Megatron and take over the Decepticons, Starscream is exiled. But this time, the usually cowardly and partly-stupid Starscream is fighting back! He discovers the remains of vehicles from one of our wars*, and decides to make his own army. He steals the personality components of the Renegade Decepticons and installs them into the modified machines, creating the Combaticons!
The Autobots are brought into it somewhat when Starscream and the Combaticons take Jazz and Cliffjumper, but this episode's mainly about the Decepticons. Starscream is taking it all the way... but Megatron is not going to let his position be taken so easily!
Who will be the Decepticon Leader in the end?

Mission Report:
This episode is one of my all-time favorites. My favorite Decepticon finally stops being a chicken (for now), and takes it out all the way! It was an highly enjoyable episode, and it had a pretty good story. They even brought in the Autobots in a clever way!
But there was one major story flaw. In order to control the Combaticons, Starscream didn't install energy absorbers (think re-chargers) into them. They needed to capture five other Transformers to get the absorbers. In the end of the episode, all of them were charging up, though they only had 4 Transformers captured! Where did the last absorber come from? You might say "Starscream", but even he was charging up! So where did that last absorber come from?
Other than that, this was a very good episode, and I highly enjoyed it!

*I suspect one of the World Wars, but they never really said, and I'm no good with dates. I think they said in the intro-flashback that it was in the 1940's.

Friday, November 25, 2011


Episode Name: Kremzeek!
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Five Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Megatron is devising a new plan... but what else is new? He's devising an energy magnet to steal energy. The new part is that he's making a distraction to keep the Autobots busy while he does it. He creates the creature called Kremzeek... a creature of pure energy!
Kremzeek causes total mayhem at Autobot Headquarters. The only Autobots to make it out intact are Optimus Prime, Blaster, Bumblebee, and Inferno (technically Omega Supreme too, but he's zapped later).
Then the Autobots have to chase Kremzeek to Japan, and stop him with the help of a human scientist. But how can you stop a creature of pure energy that overloads any circuitry? And what about Megatron's energy magnet?
Has Megatron won at long last?

Mission Report:
This episode is one of my all-time favorites. It had a pretty good story, and it was very enjoyable.
I like to call it the "Pokemon episode". I know that Pokemon was created about ten years after this episode came out, but still! I'm reminded of Pokemon in many ways when I watch Kremzeek do his thing.
Kremzeek! is one of my all-time favorite episodes. I say it's worth it... especially when you like Pokemon!

Cosmic Rust

Episode Name: Cosmic Rust
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
When Megatron goes to the lost Autobot ghost-city on Antilla(sp?), he brings back a dangerous heat ray that's shaped like a lightning bug. He encounters some asteroid trouble on the way back (don't worry, that fact's important).
Meanwhile, the Autobot scientist Prospector has invented Corrostop, a chemical fights super-effectively against rust and corrosive elements. The Autobots plan to coat all the world's history monuments with Corrostop, but they start out with only enough for the Statue of Liberty.
But while Lady Liberty is being coated, Prospector is kidnapped by the Decepticons. It turns out that asteroid trouble has caused major trouble, because they were coated with germs for the rare deadly metallic plague called Cosmic Rust. Corrostop is the only known cure.
After Megatron tricks Prospector into curing him, he sets Prospector, now infected, against the Autobots. They get infected, and to make matters worse... there is no more of the secret chemical needed to make Corrostop!

Mission Report:
This is one of my favorite shows. The story was pretty good, and it's just an enjoyable show to watch. It was fun to watch Cybertronians get sick, especially Mr. "Macho-Tough-and-Rough-Evil-Pants" Megatron!
This is one of my fave episodes.

War Dawn

Episode Name: War Dawn
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: One and a Half Spaceship

Mission Briefing:
When Megatron builds the Cronosphere, he devises a plot to trap the Aerialbots and send them to the Beginning of Time... luckily, the Autobots manage to stop them. Unluckily, the Aerialbots have been thrown 9 million years into the past, when the war was just beginning. While the Aerialbots are learning both history and moral lessons and dealing with the dangers of the past, the Autobots are trying to save them. But Megatron has reprogrammed a broken Guardian robot (think Omega Supreme's cousin in a way), so things are getting troublesome...

Mission Report:
I detest this episode. I've always been a bit of a lore girl, wanting to find the back-story of all fictional worlds, so this episode was interesting in that sense (what earned it the half-spaceship). But, other than that, I just didn't enjoy the story. There were some flaws, and it just wasn't enjoyable. If it wasn't for the Transformers lore, it would have gotten only a single spaceship.
This is one of those I detest. Yes, whoopee that there's a Transformers episode that I hate, but I would go against suggesting this one.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Trans-Europe Express

Episode Name: Trans-Europe Express
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Megatron is once again playing treasure-hunter! This time, he's hunting for the Pearl of Bahudine(sp?) in Turkey, and that Pearl can grant him the power to rule and/or destroy the world!
Meanwhile, a group of seven Autobots have joined a major race: The Europa 2000! An American racer, the prideful, stuck-up Auggie Cahnay, is racing too. His car was made by a company named Simal(sp?) Tech, which Optimus Prime suspects makes technology so high-level, the Decepticons will start sniffing around.
The race is soon discovered to have a certain interest to the Decepticons after all. Then why else would Megatron send the Stunticons to mess things up?!? And where does the Pearl fit into this?

Mission Report:
This is one of my favorite episode, more because it's fun to watch. Megatron's actually calling on the help of humans like Professor Terranova and a Turkish sage (got through thick head: we're not useless or insignificant!)! Watching the Autobots race was fun too. The story wasn't terrible, though it could probably use a little tweaking.
In my opinion, this was a really good show. It's one of my faves!


Episode Name: Masquerade
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Megatron's got a new plan (who's surprised?), and he's got the Stunticons doing some machine-shopping... which means machine-stealing to them! The Autobots manage to capture the Stunticons, but they have to figure what Megatron's new plans are, and how to stop them. Optimus thinks up a clever plan... to disguise himself and a four other Autobots as the Stunticons!
But when the Stunticons, united as Metasaur, escaped... will the secret and Autobots stay safe?

Mission Report:
Okay... again, better than I want to admit. This story wasn't bad, but it doesn't make my favorite list. It was fun watching the Autobots play Stunticons... and the fake Metasaur trick was cool too, but where Optimus got the "faking-Stunticons" idea wasn't so delightful: a human mistaking Stunticons for Autobots. I don't blame the guy, but it's a little disturbing.
This episode was okay, but not one of my favorite storylines.

The Key To Vector Sigma, Parts 1-2

Episode Name: The Key To Vector Sigma, Parts 1-2*
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
After a failed attempt to steal super-fuel, Megatron decides to make his own set of wheeled bots... the Stunticons! But in order to give them life, he needs to go to the core of Cybertron, and find the mega-computer that gave all Cybertronians life... Vector Sigma! He steals the Key to Vector Sigma from Alpha Trion, and heads for the core.
The Autobots learn of his plot, and head to Cybertron themselves. With the help of Optimus Prime's creator/father, Alpha Trion, they find Vector Sigma themselves... but too late! Vector Sigma has given life to the Stunticons. But Optimus makes a counter-move... the creation of the Aerialbots! But they learn that the Key of Vector Sigma has different powers on Earth... ones that can destroy the Earth!
And when Megtaron finds out, he won't flinch from using them...

Mission Report:
These episodes are better than I like to admit. The story was very good and well-written. But it messes up some story details that they put earlier in the series... they've had bots that were born on Earth (like the Dinobots), but Vector Sigma wasn't around (technically, the Constructicons were supposedly made on Earth too, but I'll complain about that on the The Secret of Omega Supreme review when I write it later). Yet, in this story, they say the only way for living Cybertronians to be born is with the help of Vector Sigma! Very annoying! It's never a good idea to mess up story lines you put earlier in the series.
But, other than that, the story was very good. We see the first version of the Allspark: Vector Sigma. We also see the Key of Vector Sigma, which is similar in appearance to Sari's Allspark Key in the Transformers Animated series. That was very interesting.
This multi-part show was pretty good over all.

*Since multi-part shows are really one story divided over more than one episode, I'll be doing the reviews over all of the multi-part episodes of the story at one time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hoist Goes Hollywood

Episode Name: Hoist Goes Hollywood
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
When Hoist rescues two stunt actors for a movie film, he's then included in the cast of an action movie. Before long, Sunstreaker, Tracks, Powerglide, and Warpath catch movie madness as well.
But when a Decepticon mission goes wrong, Megatron and the Decepticons are suddenly tracking down a negative film that reveals their newest plan... to use a device stolen from Wheeljack's lab on Cybertron! Spike and Carlee are soon caught up in this. Will things turn out okay...
Or will the day at the movies kill them all?

Mission Report:
Yeah, I know. The first Transformers episode on this blog that didn't get four spaceships or higher, right? Well, as much as I like the series, there's some episodes I detest, and others that are neither good or bad.
This episode was the latter. It was the story. The idea and location were pretty good, but the story just wasn't great. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. Watching something happening at the movies was pretty cool, and some of the stuff that happened because of that was cool too, but the story needs tweaking.
This episode was just okay.

Sea Change

Episode Name: Sea Change
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Five Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
When the Autobots pick up a mysterious distress signal, Cosmos, Prospector, Bumblebee, and Seaspray go to deep space to investigate. But they discover that the SOS was really a Decepticon signal. They have taken over and enslaved the planet's inhabitants,and are now having trouble with a rebellion.
The Autobots join the rebellion, and meet Alanna (sp?*), and Seaspray falls in love. But the rebels aren't the only ones to get back-up from Cybertronians... Megatron and a group of Decepticons have come to help the Decepticon computer Deceptitran and his droids. The natives of this planet can transform into different forms thanks to their Well of Transformation, but will it be enough to earn this planet's freedom?

Mission Report:
This was a great show. The story was wonderfully done, even with the romance element. In fact, that element made it better! This show is one of my all-time favorites!

*Don't know if that's how it's spelled on the show

Triple Takeover

Episode Name: Triple Takeover
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1985), Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
It's Traitor Day, and Astrotrain, Blitzwing, and Starscream are the ones creating and celebrating it! These three make a plan to overthrow Megatron and take over the Decepticons. Megatron falls for the trap, but the luring-guy, Starscream, gets caught as well, leaving leadership of the 'Cons divided between the triple changers. But their different rules and campaigns are causing trouble for the city... Will everyone make it out okay?

Mission Report:
This is one of my favorite episodes... more because it's very amusing. There are some story flaws, and places where the story wasn't enjoyable (therefore, lost a Spaceship). It's best to look at this episode as amusing.
For one thing, it was fun to watch Blitzwing misinterpret the football coach's advice, and turn it into something bad. Like the major maze that was a "zone defense", or his laser-bomb idea that came from "long bomb". And his keeping track of his "game's" score on the football scoreboard was kind of amusing.
It was just funny to watch Astrotrain try to lead. All his attempts ended up pretty much in failure! And then Starscream's whining "I'm stupid! I'm stupid..." Hah! That was fun!
And then we actually see a good part to Megatron. Because it was better for the whole Decepticon cause, Megatron was willing to let the three traitors off with a warning (which we all know that all but Starscream listened to). It's odd to see forgiveness in a bad guy, but it's nice to see it there all the same.
So when you watch this episode, it's best to watch it for the amusing parts, and just enjoy the triple-changers' failed plans and the Autobots saving the day from the side-effects of their short rule.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Girl Who Loved Powerglide

Episode Name: The Girl Who Loved Powerglide
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
When the Decepticons try to capture the owner of High Tech Industries, Astoria Ritz, it's Powerglide to the rescue! But Megatron isn't going to let go of Astoria whatever the cost, and no one knows the reason why. Feelings are popping up between Astoria and Powerglide during the whole deal, making this situation more complicated between the two.
What does Megatron want, and what will happen if he gets it... and what will happen to Powerglide along the way?

Mission Report:
Binga-banga-boom! The Transformers were on a roll with these episodes! No wonder they're still famous today!
But back to the reviewing part. This was a very good show. It did show Astoria doing some stuff that shouldn't have been possible, though... in one scene, she jumped too high, and in another near the end, she threw a necklace very high... from what I'm guessing was at least half a mile high, most likely higher! Now, either Astoria is an athlete and they forgot to mention it, or it's some big story glitch.
But the rest of the episode was very good. The love relationship between the slightly-spoiled, more teen-like Astoria, and the more self-absorbed and, using Astoria's words, "Mr. Macho" Powerglide was fun. This episode also had one of my favorite Megatron lines, where says after the air-platform falls onto his Base, "Your new orders are... um... erg... clean up this mess!" That's funny, especially when you see it!
The story was very good and enjoyable. I really like this episode too!

Prime Target

Episode Name: Prime Target
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
This time, it's not Decepticons Autobots have to worry about! It all starts out when big game hunter Lord Chumly (sp?) steals a Russian jet, and a war becomes close at hand. But Chumly and his butler Dimsmore (sp?) turn their sights on a new trophy... Optimus Prime's head! They kidnap many of the Autobots, and put them in dangerous positions. Chumly offers Optimus a deal where the Autobot leader has to try and save them, while avoiding Chumly's traps.
But things get worse when Megatron sends Astrotrain and Blitzwing to try and make a deal with Chumly...

Mission Report:
One good episode after another! This one had a very good story. We see Optimus Prime lose his temper in his calm way. He goes and rescues his bots on his own, and yet manages to keep part of his temper down when he finally gets Chumly. And he saves the world from war to boot! Nice! It was a little rushed at the end... Optimus Prime saves his friends a little too fast for reason.
Other than that, this was a very good episode.

Merge With Caution

Episode Name: Merge With Caution
Series: Warehouse 13, Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
It's the weekend for the Warehouse agents, and Myka and Pete have just wrapped up a mission. All they want is a normal weekend. Pete plans to hang out with his vet girlfriend, and Myka heads for her high school reunion. Meanwhile, Claudia and Artie are off to find an artifact themselves.
But things get troublesome when the artifact that Pete and Myka got on the last mission start effecting them... by switching their bodies! And on the computer whizzes' side, Artie falls under the power of an artifact himself! It's Artifact Ruling Weekend! Will the agents beat the artifacts this time around?

Mission Report:
This was a very good show. The actors who play Pete and Myka are pretty good... they played their opposite character very nicely! The story there was very good and fun to watch. And Myka's got a crush...! Bet no one saw that coming.
The Artie-Claudia side of the episode wasn't as good, however. The story just wasn't as enjoyable as the other side. It wasn't terrible, but not my favorite part of the episode.
Still, overall, I enjoyed this episode a good deal.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Episode Name: Auto-Bop
Series: The Transformers (classic, 1980's), Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
When Rowel and his two friends try to put on show in front of the new, popular night club--the Dancitron--they're almost beat up by a gang hired by the Dancitron folks. The Autobots Blaster and Tracks come to their rescue, and discover an odd mystery. People that don't hang together are, and those odd groupings are in the Dancitron as well! To top it off, more odd groupings are building a building... at one o' clock in the morning! Turns out the Decepticons are behind the Dancitron, but will Rowel and the Autobots find out what the plot is this time?

Mission Report:
This is one of my favorite episodes. It had good music (hey, nightclub and Blaster!), and a pretty good story. The Decepticons are actually using the humans with hypno-affects. Hey, we're not useless insignificant things like they say, and this is one of those episodes where it gets through Megatron's thick head! It was fun to watch Rowel's and Tracks's relationship play again. Those two are good friends, even I can tell through their bickering!
There was only one thing that kept this episode from getting five ships. The purpose of the building was never explained. Was it to hide a Spacebridge? Or was it a bigger Dancitron? Was it a new Decepticon Headquarters? It was just never explained. It's not a good idea to leave that kind of thing hanging and never explain it.
Other than that, it's a very good episode, and it's one of my faves.

Quick Note About Some Reviews

On a few series I'll be reviewing... like Warehouse 13 and the 1980's Transformers... I'm in the middle of watching/re-watching. I'll be starting from where I am now. I'll try to remember to put which seasons they're in to help.
Current series:
The classic 1980's Transformers series: Season 2
Warehouse 13: Season 2

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Prepare For Blast-Off!

Astronauts, buckle up! We'll be blasting off for Ellie's Sci-Fi World after a word from Mission Control...
This review blog covers sci-fi, AKA science fiction, TV shows. This covers both sci-fi that happens on Earth and other planets, and ones that cover both (like the 1980's Transformers). It's based on a five-spaceship system. One Spaceship won't get you there, meaning the worst score. Five Spaceships will get you to your destination without a problem (best possible).
The Mission Briefings are the summaries, and the Mission Reports are the reviews.
Thank you for coming to this ride. Prepare for blast-off...
Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six... Five... Four...
Next destination: Ellie's Sci-Fi World!