Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Shuttlepod One

Episode Name: Shuttlepod One
Series: Star Trek Enterprise
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Shuttlepod One, with Malcolm and Tripp aboard, head for a meeting with the Enterprise in an asteroid field early after their sensor array knocks out by something mysterious. But they discover pieces of a broken spaceship... and part of the Enterprise! Turns out that Enterprise (their landing-bay doors) broke when some visiting aliens' ship malfunctioned and crashed, and the Enterprise crew is getting the aliens to their home-planet.
But the two within Shuttlepod One don't know that, and presume the Enterprise destroyed. With only ten days air, the two head off to try and send a distress beacon so that someone can find their bodies. But the fictionious micro-anomolities (sp? on all last three words) that possibly caused the knock-out of the sensor array and the alien crashing, is still there, and may cause trouble... if Tripp and Malcolm don't cause problems themselves by bickering!

Mission Report:
This was a perfect characterization episode! Okay, not perfect, but very well-done! The characters were very well-done with Tripp and Malcolm, and we get to learn about both. We also see awesome acting! The duo were very good, and so was whoever played T'Pol (apologies to the actor, no offense meant at all, I just don't know your name)! Malcolm's dream sequence was almost believable, if I hadn't known that much about T'Pol (did I just say that?), and it was so obvious (due to her) that it was a dream sequence. But marvelous acting!
The story was pretty well-done, but it needs work at the beginning. I was confused a couple of times at the beginning. Like why the duo were out there alone, and whether or not that was safe! And I couldn't figure out until they left the asteroid belt that they thought the Enterprise destroyed! The rest was pretty well-done.
So, all in all, this was a pretty good episode overall, with wonderful acting and characterization and character-learning, just needs work at the beginning.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Shadows of J'Pem

Episode Name: Shadows of J'Pem
Series: Star Trek Enterprise, Season 1
Rating: Three and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Since The Andorian Incident, where monastary/spy post (sp? on 1st one) on J'Pem was discovered, not only has the post been destroyed, but tensions between humans and Vulcans has gotten worse. T'Pol is to reassigned, and she's going along with it! When Archer takes her on a last mission together, they end up captured by a radical group... and things will just get nasty!
Will both of them make it out alive...?

Mission Report:
Most of the episode was so-and-so, with downer points like the awkwardness. And I think that the Vulcan captain was having makeup issues... I don't think Vulcan faces are supposed to be greenish while their hands are normal, or greenish in general, even when they're older.
The characterization was good, however! It's nice to see the Andorians again, with a believable reason. And I think I'm starting to understand and read T'Pol a little better... I could actually somewhat read her! That's impressive, especially with Vulcans! And I saw some good acting as well.
Things got better with the action near the end, but this was not the greatest episode. The story was pretty well-done, with only a few glitches... that I could see, anyway. But this was not the most enjoyable episode.
This is only an okay episode, though it had some good characterization and acting!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Bridge Too Close Parts 1-2

Episode Name: A Bridge Too Close Parts 1-2
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Megatron's having trouble making his SpaceBridge... so he gets Shockwave to look up Cybertron's SpaceBridge expert. Guess who it is! BULKHEAD!!! Megs himself captures the Autobot, and the Autobots team up with the Blue Racer... who is really an Elite Guard Intelligence Officer named Blurr. Sari and Ratchet once again go to the spaceship to try and reboot it, and the Autobots go to assault Decepticon HQ. Meanwhile, Starscream's planning and prepping his own assault against Megatron.
Things are going to get very wild...

Mission Report:
This was a pretty good set of episodes. Even a little better than the other two-parter! Guess it's good that there was no Cranky Prime, though there were some awkward and uncomfortable moments.
The story was pretty well-done, but there were a couple of glitches. Some were series glitches. But the story was pretty good overall.
It was mostly enjoyable. Like said above, there were some uncomfortable and awkward moments I did not care for. But it was mostly enjoyable.
This was a pretty good two-parter.

I actually think that the Blurr from the 1980's is more understandable than this Blurr. He seems to speak a notch slower, though it's still pretty fast. You can understand this Blurr, but you have to really focus on his words. I've seen these episodes a couple of times (and read graphic novel), so I'm getting the hang of it, but it's really easy to loose Mr. Blah-Blah-Blah. So if you watch this episode, word of advice... pay attention to those words!
One of the glitches in these episodes is that they never tell you the names of the Starscream clones, though the toys that came out on them seem to indicate that they're more important than one might think, and it's kind of indicated in the episodes. Since I collected the toys when they came out, I know the names of three of them... only three. I'm putting them here for help and/or curiousity (sp?):
Blue One ("ego-maniac"*, way too much ego guy)--Thundercracker
Orange-white One ("suck-up"*, always praising everyone including Autobots guy)--Sunstorm
Purple-and-black One (the "coward"*)--Skywarp

*Terms from the female Starscream clone (which I suspect represents the intelligent part of Starscream), though anyone would be able to figure out "coward" with Skywarp

Friday, June 15, 2012

Sari, No One's Home

Episode Name: Sari, No One's Home
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Mixmaster and Scrapper are back! The Autobots head to find them, leaving Sari at home, though she says she can take care of herself. She immediately starts some kiddish trouble/fun. Megatron also sends Blitzwing out to get them. Since Bumblebee's leaking oil and refuses to be fixed, he leaves a trail to Autobot Base. Mix and Scrap find this trail, and follow it to Autobot Base... where Sari is home by herself! But the Autobots can't come to help... Blitzwing has engaged battle with them (and Sari couldn't call them for a while, and her phone got broken by Mixmaster).
Sari's going to have to prove herself... but can she really do it against the giant robots?

Mission Report:
This was a pretty good episode. The story was very well-done... barely any glitches! There were still a few, though, and some of them were pretty decent-sized. It had some good jokes and moments. It just wasn't the most enjoyable... It was about average enjoyment, so it wasn't bad or good. It was just... okay.
This was just an okay episode.

Black Friday

Episode Name: Black Friday
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: One Spaceship

Mission Briefing:
Bumblebee and Sari visit Meltdown in prison to see if he's got anything to use against Porter C. Powell... that does not go well. That night, Meltdown is sprung from prison by none other than the Dinobots and forced to work for a surprising Decepticon... Blackarachnia!
Prowl and Bumblebee has a Bee-keep-silent-for-ten-cycles (I'm guessing minutes) bet going on that's not going too well for Bumblebee (LOL!). Optimus Prime and the two betters leave for Dinobot Island. But Blackarachnia attacks Bee and Prowl on the Isle, and over-vemons them on purpose... without an antidote in two megacycles (I'm guessing hours), they'll die! Blackarachnia uses this to blackmail Optimus into helping Grimlock get a certain device of Meltdown's...
This is going to be a bad Friday for Optimus...*

Mission Report:
Not my fave. It has two of my least-fave characters... Blackarachnia and Meltdown! Oh, add Porter C. Powell to the list, though it's nice to see Fanzone tiring of him and him getting some of what he deserves. :)
The story... not so enjoyable, and glitchy. Especially in series details! For one, if Black landed on D-bot Isle after Megatron Rising Parts 1-2, where was she in the other episodes that had Dinobot Isle scenes? And how come the Dinobots didn't act different before this episode? No sense! And what about Meltdown's mutant "pets"...? The in-episode story was better, but still had some glitches. It was just mostly un-enjoyable, however.
This is one of my least-fave episodes in this series... right along with the first Elite Guard Trilogy episode The Elite Guard!

*Or at least I'm guessing it's a Friday from the episode name! LOL!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Autoboot Camp

Episode Name: Autoboot Camp
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
No, that's not a typo or misspelling; it's the actual name of the episode.
A prisoner has escaped from the Autobot jail (stockade). His name is Wasp, and when Ultra Magnus calls Optimus Prime's Autobots, Bumblebee reveals that he has some bad history with this bot! This announcement triggers flashbacks in Bumblebee's mind, to his boot camp days, when he met both Wasp and Bulkhead.
Then a secret transmission (played with and secretly sent by Prof. Sumdac) between Megatron and a secret double-agent on Cybertron is caught by Bumblebee and Bulkhead (the rest are all out on patrol). Bumblebee is sure that the double-agent is Wasp, and goes on a chase to find him and Megs' secret hideout, while the flashbacks still run.
But his friendship with Bulkhead is due some straining, and Bumblebee may soon get in trouble that he needs help getting out of...

Mission Report:
This was a so-so episode. There were two plots: the flashbacks and present-time. They spent more time in flashback mode... which I say was a good idea. I'm not quite sure what the present-time plot is about, though above is my best guess.
The story was okay. There were glitches. It wasn't the most enjoyable episode. Hey, they had Jerkinel again (at least they explain a conversation between Bumblebee and Bulkhead in The Elite Guard with this episode!)! And most of the other guys in the platoon were jerks to Bumblebee too. I almost don't blame Bee for blaming Wasp for the crime... almost. If I didn't pity the guy, Wasp would be pretty low on my list... pretty close to Sentinel! Ironhide is low on my list for jerk-factor, though having him taken out (I believe) in Mission Accomplished was a little much. I have to compliment Longarm/Shockwave on his spying job. It was pretty good!
And the storyline in that factor was good! The first time, I had no idea that Longarm was the real criminal until the Big Reveal until the end... just like I was supposed to! Nice...!
So, all in all, this was a pretty good episode, it just needs tweaking and it isn't the most enjoyable.

SUV--Society Of Ultimate Villainy

Episode Name: SUV--Society Of Ultimate Villainy
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Three and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
It's Small-Time Crook Day in Detroit! Three familiar faces are on a crime spree... Nanosec, Angry Archer, and Professor Princess. After a funny incident trying to catch Nanosec (and after disobeying orders again), Bumblebee gets in trouble with his fellow Autobots. Afterwards, Bumblebee goes solo (with Sari) to try and catch the crooks. But something causes Bumblebee to go into some sort of slowdown/power-down every time he gets close.
That's because there's a new criminal in the house... her name's Slo-Mo, and her main weapon is an Allspark fragment-powered timepiece that can slow down machines. She gathers the small-time crooks together, and they make a team... eventually named SUV, for Society of Ultimate Villainy. But they soon get caught up with a mysterious dealer who's more dangerous than one might think...
Bumblebee is going to have to learn the importance of teamwork and teams to save the day...

Mission Report:
This was a pretty good episode. The story was pretty well-done, though it had some glitches. It was pretty enjoyable... not the best enjoyable, but the lowest was average enjoyment. Bumblebee actually learns a lesson... nice touch!
Oh, classic reference time...! Swindle mentions the Vok! I know it's at least a Beast Wars (Other Victories, Season 3) reference. Pretty awesome!
So, this is not my total fave episode, but this is a pretty good episode overall.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Fistful Of Energon

Episode Name: A Fistful Of Energon
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Starscream has escaped! About one month after he escapes (graphic novels are helpful in figuring out Transformers terms sometimes), the Elite Guard sends word to Optimus Prime & Co. Just finishing up cleaning up a Dinobot rampage on Dinobot Island with a lent EMP Generator from Ratchet and Bulkhead, Prowl sets out on his own to capture Starscream, way too overconfident. He gets mixed up with Lockdown on the way.
But Starscream's got trouble planned, and Prowl is going to have to learn the lesson about overconfidence and over-modification...

Mission Report:
Yeah, having Starscream in an episode does a lot for the rating. I hate Sentinel, but Starscream's a fave. In other words, they're polar opposites on the fave list! LOL!
Back to reviewing. The story was pretty well-done, though it had glitches. None were super-major, however. Some were decent size, however...
Oh, there was one super-glitch that makes no sense. Are the Transformers color-blind? I think that they showed that Megatron has pretty much only-red-with-tinges vision, so the Decepticons I kind of get.... But the Autobots? The clones were different colors from the original Starscream. How come no one noticed that? It was never explained. Yeesh...
It was pretty enjoyable, though there were some downer, awkward moments. The enjoyment level was about three and a half. Prowl was acting all out-of-character (younger, sometimes)... kind of cool, kind of weird, depending on the scene. And he looks awesome as a samurai! I'm glad he's back to normal, however. There was a lesson learned, though I'm not sure I understand what. I have a guess, but I'm not sure at all... And this episode proves that Starscream's a little smarter than his 1980's counterpart, though it's more than clear that he has more courage than 1980's! LOL! And they took out Bumblebee and Sari in a clever way, though I would have liked them in it (at least Bumblebee). The episode's pretty good without them anyway.
This was a pretty good episode overall, and it's one of my faves (three cheers for Starscream's return! LOL!).

Rise Of The Constructicons

Episode Name: Rise Of The Constructicons
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
The day begins with the Autobots fixing up the city, and a failed attempt to stop Decepticons from supply-stealing. That night, the clumsy and mistake-making Bulkhead stays behind to work. Meanwhile, two Allspark fragments bring two new bots to life--Mixmaster ("Mix" for short) and Scrapper (somethimes "Scrap" for short)! These two bots are not Autobot, but they're not Decepticon either... just "rude and crude"* construction workers.
After the duo save Bulkhead's life, the trio become friends. But Optimus can tell that they're being an bad influence on Bulkhead. Problem is, he can't convince Bulkhead of that! But then Mixmaster and Scrapper start getting mixed up with the Decepticons...
Bulkhead's going to get a hard lesson in picking your friends...

Mission Report:
This episode was pretty good. The characterization was actually pretty well-done on Mix and Scrapper. Their choices, and still trying to keep Bulk as a friend, was pretty believable. The other characters are pretty well-done as well, I'm just impressed with these two, especially on their first appearance! The others characters were/are believable, even in the uncomfortable scenes. I liked how deeply Bulkhead trusted his new friends, even when he shouldn't have. He's like that, and it makes him pretty likeable!
The story was pretty well-done, as shown by the characterization levels in this episode, though it had some glitches. Timing was one thing, and there were other glitches (like, how in the world did Mix and Scrap push the supplies across town into the woods without being noticed?!?).
My main problem was content. The Constructicons are not my fave characters, though they are better than some jerks in the classic series, and about everyone in any series is better than Jerkinel! The story was awkward in some places, though it does do a good job teaching a lesson about picking friends. It was pretty enjoyable, more than one might imagine. But this won't make my faves list. (And there's a memory-wipe at the end... yeesh...).
So this episode was pretty good overall, it just won't make my faves list.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Episode Name: Velocity
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
While tracking an Allspark fragment, the Autobots run into illegal street racers, and Bumblebee meets someone who can out-drive him... a mysterious blue race car! At home, there's talk about bending the rules and not doing so, since Sari, who introduced Bulkhead and Bumblebee to the races on TV they encountered, knew the races were illegal and was pirating the TV signals with her Key. Bumblebee, while tricking Bulkhead to keep the big guy after the speeder's back, gets Sari to help him track down the Blue Racer. The turbo boosters are back, and Bumblebee ends up getting mixed up in the races. But it doesn't help that Blitzwing's snooping around the races, or that Bumblebee thinks that the Blue Racer is a Decepticon!
Bumblebee and Sari are going to learn the bad side-effects of bending the rules... the hard way!

Mission Report:
This is not my fave, despite 'Bee being the main character. It might be the content, but I don't know. It just wasn't the top enjoyment. There were some enjoyable parts. But the story was very well-done... there were some glitches, mostly piling up on the end. And Blue Racer is not one of those glitches, just to be clear! He's supposed to be a mystery! And there's a lesson learned...  again, nice!
This my not be my fave episode, but it was still a good episode!

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Episode Name: Garbage In, Garbage Out
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
The greedy Porter C. Powell is up to no good. There's a dispute between Sumdac Systems and Detroit City Hall over money, and Powell refuses to fix the trash-bots in the city until it's resolved, so Detroit is in one big mess. The Autobots are trying to help with the problem, but they realize that Ratchet's bad attitude is causing problems of its own. Optimus assigns Bumblebee and Sari to help with this.
But an Allspark fragment has brought a new bot online. The innocent and clueless bot, eventually named Wreck-Gar by the Angry Archer, accidently causes trouble. But his Allspark energy signal makes Megatron send Lugnut Allspark fragmnet-hunting.
But when Wreck-Gar meets Autobots and they meet Powell's new trash-eating microbots, things are going to get majorly troublesome...

Mission Report:
This is another one of my favorites. The story was very well-done, though it had a few glitches (like Wreck-Gar's endless supply of garbage made no sense). The comedy level was very high, however. Wreck-Gar is hilarious! He's so cute, trying to help, but failing and rhyming! Ratchet had a slight uncomfortable moments, but it was mostly a funny and fun episode!
And there's a reference to the classics... Ratchet tries to help out a husband and a wife (who's about to give birth). Guess their names! Spike and Carlee!!! That's so obviously a reference to the classics! And their outfits are almost exact matches (art styles considered) to their outfits in the third 1980's series Season. I'm betting that the Transformers Animated version had a son and named him Daniel! That would make sense and be awesome, though their appearance in this episode was awesome all the same!
I love the episode because of the comedy levels, but the storyline was very good too.
This is one of my fave episodes!

Sleeping Dogs

Episode Name: Sleeping Dogs
Series: Star Trek Enterprise, Season 1
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
The Enterprise discovers a Class-9 gas giant. They also discover a wrecked spaceship within the atmosphere, stinking towards spaceship-crushing altitudes. The away team of T'Pol, Malcolm, and Hoshi discover its a Klingon ship, and that's something's wrong with the crew... all are knocked out!
But there's one active Klingon, and she steals the shuttle pod. The Enterprise picks her up, but the landing party are now in trouble, and the Klingon refuses to help.
If something doesn't happen, the away team might die...

Mission Report:
Pretty much average. The story was pretty well-done. Most of the episode was boring and so-so enjoyment, though learning about Klingons and seeing inside the Klingon Raptor was pretty cool. The first sight of photon torpedoes was pretty cool too. But most of the episode was boring and/or average enjoyment levels.
This was an only average episode, but at least it didn't bomb the place (despite the torpedoes near the end)!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mission Accomplished

Episode Name: Mission Accomplished
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
The Elite Guard are giving Optimus trouble because they don't believe that the Decepticons are on Earth. They order the Autobots to prep to leave Earth, and there will undoubtedly be more trouble waiting on Cybertron... especially for Optimus, who believes that the truth should be told (go, Optimus!), while the E-Guard think otherwise. The Earth-Autobots try to find Sari a home.
But someone's back. A traitorous someone! He plans trouble, primarily for Megatron, but doesn't care who gets in his way...
To quote my post for Possession:
"That's right!

Mission Report:
This is the exception that I was talking about! The last one of the Elite Guard Trilogy is my fave, and one I actually enjoy. The story's good, though there are some glitches. There were some uncomfortable moments, but this was a mostly-enjoyable episode. And the Elite Guard finally leave Earth!!! Yay!!!
But this is my fave in the Trilogy because my fave Decepticon is back in action! This episode actually surprised me the first time I saw it, because I thought Starscream brought the big one. Lost And Found didn't surprise me, because of data seen in the movie (it's a bit of a glitch). But this episode was a happy surprise!
And they bring in classic: Starscream's inability to die! It starts with the 1980's Starscream, and jumps to 2009 Starscream! Nice...! And both have pretty reasonable explantions (1980's, Beast Wars: mutated Spark; Transformers Animated: Allspark fragment), though the one in this episode makes a little more sense... but who cares? My fave Decepticon's back! Lots of points for that!
This episode, despite being part of the Elite Guard Trilogy, is one of my fave episodes in this Season!

The Return Of The Headmaster

Episode Name: The Return Of The Headmaster
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: Two and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Porter C. Powell has taken over! Not only does he kick Sari out of her home and take Tutor-bot and Sparkplug (the dog-bot), but he rehires the Headmaster, Henry Masterson! Bumblebee and Bulkhead try to cheer up Sari, who's moved into Autobot HQ. Meanwhile, the Headmaster tricks Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime into old Detroit, and manages to steal Sentinel's body! Optimus agrees to help.
But the Headmaster may be able to do a lot of damage with Jerkinel's (Sentinel's) body...

Mission Report:
Maybe it was because I got much of the negativity out of my system with the last post, but I enjoyed this episode better. I think it's more because it's funny watching Jerkinel go through all that stuff and actually depend on Optimus! Yeah, take that, Jerkinel! There was a lot of comedy in this episode, and the story was actually pretty well-done, though there was a glitch or two. Yeah, it's weird. There might have been more, but I might have been too busy laughing to notice. Double weird...
So second episode of the Elite Guard Trilogy was actually pretty good, though this and the first episode of the Elite Guard Trilogy will never truly have a good standing on my faves list, though this one has a minor chance because of so much comedy and putting Jerkinel in an embarrassing place... Oh, Jerkinel's Sentinel, for the newbies.

The Elite Guard

Episode Name: The Elite Guard
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 2
Rating: One Spaceship

Mission Briefing:
It's the aftermath of the Autobot/Decepticon battle. The humans hate/fear the Autobots, the Autobots are trying to clean up the city, and Sari's trying to run her father's company. Meanwhile, Megatron has a scheme cooking (like any Megatron), with the forced help of Professor Sumdac.
But the Elite Guard comes. Ultra Magnus, the commander, and two others, Sentinel Prime and Jazz, don't believe Optimus Prime's story on the Allspark being dispersed, and presume it destroyed
But they may be wrong, and that fact may cause some trouble...

Mission Report:
The first three episodes of Season 2 are what I like to call the "Elite Guard Trilogy". This is number 1, and I hate it!
The main problem is all the content. The Elite Guard act like jerks, except for Jazz. Jazz is the only Elite Guard I like, and that's saying a lot. Ultra Magnus is the middle-character for the E-Guard, but he's my next-to-last favorite character in the series. I hate Sentinel Prime with a passion, however. He's my least-fave, and I even have a "below level" way under Ultra Magnus for him. In fact, he's so much a jerk and meanie and sly-ball, I gave him a nickname: "Jerkinel" (combination of "Jerk" and "Sentinel"). I may use that in my summaries and reviews, for fair warning. But that shows how much I hate him. Because of the characters, the Elite Guard Trilogy is going to have some of the lowest ratings for this series... There's one exception, but you'll see that when it happens. I also hate Porter C. Powell with a passion (I told you that he becomes important). He's so bad, that I wouldn't be surprised if he snuck (sp?) in and wiped Sari's files clean. I hate him close to as bad as I hate the Quintessons!
And the story was glitchy. The whole going-into-second-Season story is gitchy! How was half of Detroit destroyed? The battle with Megatron stayed only near the outer skirts of Sumdac Tower's parking lot/clearing and within that clearing, not into the city. And that same battle was too short for it to spread to the city. Was it all the bombing the Autobot ship? That's a better explanation, but it still doesn't make the greatest sense when one thinks about it. (details from Megatron Rising Parts 1-2). And didn't Starscream destroy about half the city when he attacked Detroit in the movie? How come the humans hate the Autobots now, and not then? No sense! And there were glitches in the storyline of the episode.
In fact, the action scenes near the end were really the only enjoyable part, though it didn't help, and my fave scene (the only other scene that I enjoyed) was watching Jerkinel  drive off the bridge and go wham!
I said it once, and I'll say it again: I hate this episode!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Megatron Rising Parts 1-2

Episodes Names: Megatron Rising Parts 1-2
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Three and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Now that his body has been recovered, Megatron sets off his plan to return. The Decepticons up begin to rumble, even Blackarachnia with her own agenda! It doesn't help that Optimus Prime is stressed, cranky, and even doubts his leadership skills! His crankiness causes trouble...
But Megatron will cause even more trouble when he returns at long last!

Mission Briefing:
The series' first two-parter... and it's not my fave. But it wasn't total hate material either! I really enjoyed the Starscream scenes in the first part, and a good deal in the second. The second episode, when Prime wasn't too cranky and there were more action scenes, was enjoyable. The story was pretty decently done, though it had some glitches (two major examples: they forgot the stupid auto-defense field at Sumdac tower again, and Sari somehow knew Megatron in his Earth vehicle mode, though she never saw him!).
The loser points were content. Mostly, it was near Cranky Prime. I understand that he was stressed and he's young and the leadership thing is still a learning business to him, but those scenes were still highly uncomfortable. And the whole Megatron-kill-Starscream thing lost some points for me too.
But this episode was pretty good, though. And the story was pretty well-done, compared to certain episodes earlier in the Season.
All in all, this was a pretty good episode, but it's not my fave and a bit uncomfortable, especially in the first one.

Nature Calls

Episode Name: Nature Calls
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Teletraan-1 picks up a mysterious signal outside of Detroit, in the woods. Optimus sends Prowl, Bumblebee, and Sari on a camping trip to check it out, thinking it's a piece of their spaceship. Of course, the tech/nature fight, AKA the Prowl/Bumblebee fight (LOL!), makes things tricky. And Bumblebee is out of his preferred environment, and he's not enjoying it.
But things are going to get more dangerous when they discover the real source of the signal...

Mission Report:
Again, apologies for this. This used to be one of my fave shows. It had good jokes, was pretty enjoyable (Bumblebee's a main character; :) ), and the storyline was pretty good. I'm afraid I can't give a confident answer on the story-making, since they chopped it up and messed with lines a little in the graphic novel, like they did in Headmaster. But I think it was pretty well-done, though it probably had real glitches.
This is a good episode. I liked it.


Episode Name: Headmaster
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Three Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Professor Sumdac meets Henry Masterson. Henry Masterson has made the Headmaster Units, a war-bot design... which Prof. Sumdac doesn't allow his company to make. After Henry Masterson releases a rocket on route to the city, Prof. Sumdac fires him. Bulkhead saves the city, but makes a major mess.
To cheer Bulkhead up, Sari introduces him to art. But, even there, he feels useless and clumsy (though he's actually pretty good). But on a walk through the city, Henry Masterson uses his Headmaster Unit to steal Bulkhead's body.
The Autobots have to deal with Bulkhead's head, and find their friends' body, but Henry Masterson, now the villain the Headmaster, is going to cause some major trouble...

Mission Report:
I'm so sorry. My DVD is broken, so this episode and the next one, Nature Calls, is primarily based on the graphic novel versions and what little I remember of the episode before the DVD broke. But you might want to jump to a different source for rating on these two episodes, though I'll try my best.
The story was pretty good. It probably had glitches (the graphic novel purposely cuts out stuff for who-knows-what reasons), but it was decent compared to some others. The enjoyment level isn't the greatest, though seeing Bulkhead bodiless causes some good jokes. And, yeah, Bulkhead's pretty good at art too.
All in all, this was only an okay show (graphic novel or otherwise!).

Survival Of The Fittest

Episode Name: Survival Of The Fittest
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Two and Three Fourths Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Prowl has begun Cybertronian martial arts classes, and Sari's the only student. Both Prowl and Optimus Prime feel like she needs extra protection, since she's the Key-Holder. But Sari is kidnapped. The Autobots go into overdrive.
A clue on the security feeds sends Prowl and Bulkhead on a secret mission to Dinobot Island. Captain Fanzone follows them. And there's dino-trouble on the isle...
But they are going to discover a certain someone behind this dino-trouble...

Mission Report:
Yeah, new rating. Do not expect this one too often, except for rare cases. I'll try to keep it to whole and/or whole and half. This one is a special case. You'll see.
Again, content issues. Though there were glitches, like the fact that Swoop didn't activate the automatic force field when he should have, Meltdown's protective suits are always a problem (did he find a super-base to counteract his super-acid? That's never clear), and I think that they casually forgot scenery details in the end (or maybe they just plain forgot). That's just a few. It was better done than the first episode, though.
But a lot was content. I just do not care for Meltdown episodes, though I will say this one was a little better than the first one. And, mutants? Uncomfy..
To be fair, there was some enjoyable moments. There were some jokes I liked, and some scenes, like action scenes not including mutants and such, were enjoyable. Not really enough for a 3-Spaceship, though.
So, while better than the first Meltdown episode by a little, I did not really care for this episode.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lost And Found

Episode Name: Lost And Found
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Lugnut and Blitzwing have come to Earth to find Megatron! The Autobots lose their first battle with these two, though Megatron contacts Lugnut and the extremely-loyal Decepticon drags Blitzwing out of the battle.
Optimus Prime decides that the best thing to do is to repair the Autobots' spaceship and transport the Allspark off of the planet. Sari and her Key, along with Ratchet, are the only ones who can do this. Unluckily, Sari's not taking the news well, and the fact that there's friction between Sari and the doc-bot is not helping either.
And Lugnut and Blitzwing are really not helping... in fact, they're making things worse!
Will the Autobots survive?

Mission Report:
This is another fave episode. And, yes, the fact that Starscream pops up in the very end helps a ton. :)
This episode was pretty well-done, though there were some glitches. It was pretty enjoyable, except for some of the Ratchet/Sari, or just Sari scenes (like the grouchy "Ratchet" Sari scenes near the end were both awkward and weird). But most of the episode was good and enjoyable. We also see a different side of Ratchet, one that's nice.
This is not a top-fave episode, but it's one of my favorite episodes.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sound And Fury

Episode Name: Sound And Fury
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Sari's birthday has come! Like usual, Megatron is scheming for a way to get his new body. He (with Professor Sumdac's not-knowing-true-purpose help) makes a birthday present for Sari... an interactive musical robot named Soundwave! But Soundwave has been made especially to upgrade every time he's charged with the Key, until he is ready to become Megatron's new body. But Sari's friendship with Bulkhead gets in the way of Megatron's plan, so he decides to wreak havoc via secretly Soundwave on the two's friendship.
But Soundwave may just upgrade enough to cause major trouble on his own...

Mission Report:
Yeah, there's glitches. That's a reason for the half-Spaceship lost (like how Bulkhead seems to have almost Psych-level or Monk-level detail detectence [sp?] scanner in this one, and no other, plus a certain train's location).
But this is one of my fave episodes. It's not just the "return" of a classic character, Soundwave (there's what I believe is a "reference" to this, when Soundwave survives as a cassette!), the episode's enjoyable. Sari's birthday, two characters that we rarely see happy are enjoying themselves (Prowl actually laughed in this one! Ratchet seemed to be having fun for once too), two of my fave jokes are in here, and it's was just enjoyable. There was some uncomfortable scenes (other reason for lost half-Spaceship), but it was mostly enjoyable.
Oh, and they snunk (sp?) in another classic reference! When the "Experiencing Technical Difficulties" screen came on the Autobots' TV, there was a picture of Kremzeek!!! And it looked so similar, I doubt it was by coincedence! (sp?) If it was, who cares? I think it was done on purpose, and it was AWESOME!
This is one of my fave episodes, but I think you got that. LOL!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Along Came A Spider

Episode Name: Along Came A Spider
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Two and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
It's Halloween! Sari, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead are going along with the flow, but all the spider decorations is giving Optimus Prime bad flashbacks of the last time he had spider-trouble.
But when a ghost-spider combo from Optimus's past comes to Detroit, Optimus is going to have to face his dark past...

Mission Report:
Yeah, I'm giving a lot of episodes this rating. But, once again, I did not care for this episode. The story was decently done, though it had glitches and needs tweaking. A lot of it was content. I just didn't enjoy the storyline. It was freaky, though it's good to see a modern Blackarachnia that's actually named Blackarachnia! (This Season was made in 2008, or at least its DVD). And a romance element is brought in... Elita-1 was in the flashbacks, and there's going to be a romance element between OP and Black.
The only reason for the half-Spaceship was a decently-done story with flashbacks, but mostly it was the comedy. I do not care for the episode, but I do like some of the jokes that are in this episode. A lot of the jokes.
Despite the jokes, this is one of my least fave episodes of the Season!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Episode Name: Nanosec
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Bumblebee fools around when capturing the thief Nino Sexton. The thief does get captured, but Bumblebee and Bulkhead end up going swimming. The next morning, Optimus Prime sends Bumblebee on a training exercise to learn how to use his head, and not thrusters. Of course, this interfers (sp?) with Bumblebee and Sari's plan to test out some new turbo boosters.
Meanwhile, Megatron and Professor Sumdac are trying to build him a new body. But a certain chemical is needed, a rare chemical on Earth, and the only nearby sample is so unstable, it needs to be moved under a certain time limit. Determined to get a new body, Megatron frees Nina Sexton, and sends him a experimental turbo-blade cyber suit, turning him into the high-speed villain Nanosec! Then Megatron hires him to get the chemical. The Autobots are set to stop him, but Bumblebee (and his new determination to have those turbo boosters) is going to cause trouble.
Bumblebee's going to have to learn to use his head in order to save the day this time...

Mission Report:
This is one of my faves. The story was pretty well-done, but it had some glitches. It was enjoyable. There was a lesson learned... nice! The fact that it had my fave Autobot, Bumblebee, as the main character most likely helps a lot.
And, no, there wasn't really any noticable (sp?) things to go "Where's Waldo?" for. (LOL!)
This episode is one of my faves.

Thrill Of The Hunt

Episode Name: Thrill Of The Hunt
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Two and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Ratchet's the cranky, old, Great-War veteran, medic of the Autobot team. Optimus Prime has been trying to get Ratchet to talk about his old experiences in the the Great War, but with no luck. But when a terror from Ratchet's past comes to Detroit, not only does the old Autobot medic start having flashbacks about when he met this terror, but this terror's out to make trouble...

Mission Report:
Hmm... when I think about it, a good Transformers Prime version of this might just be Predatory. It was also an episode I didn't really care for.
The story was a bit glitchy. There were some unexplained stuff, and stuff that didn't quite make sense. Prime's motives behind trying to get Rachet to talk about his past was also slightly unclear, though I suspect curiousity (sp?) was what was trying to kill the cat this time around. Compared to some, however, it was decently done, just could stand a good amount of tweaking.
The enjoyment level was higher than might be expected, and a little more than I expected (I'm re-watching the Transformers Animated series). But the content wasn't really the most enjoyable, especially in the flashbacks.
This is not one of my fave episodes.

"Where's Whatever?":
Okay, Porter C. Powell wasn't in this one, but here's some interesting things: Lockdown's guns were very similar in style to the ones the Predacons used for auto-defense guns (and, later, the Maximals) in the Beast Wars. Also, it's the first time we spot Blitzwing since the movie! The gun-style was more interesting, however, though I admit that it may be concidence (sp?).

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Blast From The Past

Episode Name: Blast From The Past
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Sari takes the Autobots to the Dino-Drive to learn about dinosaurs and Earth's past. But Bulkhead's clumsiness causes a big mess. Megatron reveals himself to Professor Sumdac, but lies and says he's friends with the Autobots! He helps Sumdac repair three dinosaur-robots into Dinobots. All the while, Prowl is trying to teach Bulkhead how to be graceful (and such).
But some extras that Megatron sneaks into the Dinobots causes trouble, and odd activity from the Key during the Autobots' first battle with the Dinobots does too.
The Autobots are going to have trouble with this "Blast From the Past"...

Mission Report:
Again, more enjoyable than I want to admit. There was some story glitches. But it was pretty enjoyable. This won't make the fave list, but it was a good episode overall.
This was a good episode overall.
Apologies for the lame review.

Oh, if you look in the crowd when Prof Sumdac introduces the Dinobots, you'll see Porter C. Powell with his mouth gaping. Yeah, I'm not playing "Where's Waldo?", I'm playing "Where's Powell?"! LOL!

Total Meltdown

Episode Name: Total Meltdown
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Two and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Bumblebee joins a wrestling match that's doing a commercial for Prometheus Black's bio-chemical makeovers. But things turn bad when Bumblebee's opponent turns into a giant mutant man! And then things get out of control The Autobots come to help, but once the battle's won, start picking on Bumblebee because he's the shortest member.
Meanwhile, Black's business has been shut down completely. Trying to find an edge against the machines he hates, he experiments with his chemicals and Autobot fluids from Bumblebee (from his fight-injuries). But a labatory (sp?) accident turns him into the mutant Meltdown. He continually generates an acid that can melt anything, even Autobot metal!
And his first target is Professor Sumdac!

Mission Report:
I liked this episode better than I want to admit. I never really cared for the Meltdown episodes (yeah, there's more than one). Again, not the best for the first "human trouble" episode.
The episode was more enjoyable than I want to admit. But the story had problems, and not all were comfort and/or like/dislike issues. There were actually some story glitches, and they were all over the place!
This is not my fave episode.

This is also the first episode where we see Porter C. Powell. Yeah, that jerk becomes important later on, more in the second Season. It's just an interesting note that we see him here.

Home Is Where the Spark Is

Episode Name: Home Is Where the Spark Is
Series: Transformers Animated, Season 1
Rating: Four and a Half Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
After Optimus Prime stops the Angry Archer's evil deeds, the Autobots continue to get settled and get ready for the sleepover with their human friend Sari Sumdac. But the ninja, nature-loving Prowl and the young speedster Bumblebee are having some problems with each other. But that's not the major problem.
The major problem is that Sari has reactivated Megatron's head by accident! The Decepticon leader may be just a head (that wasn't a pun), but he's not helpless! He takes control of one of Professor Sumdac's Pocketbots...
And he's going to cause a lot of trouble for the Autobots!

Mission Report:
This episode is one of my favorites. The story's pretty good, but there are some story glitches. They're mostly minor, but they're still there. This episode's enjoyable. And Megatron, taken out in the movie* (which I will not be reviewing) comes back! Yay! And there's a pretty reasonable explanation again! Yay again!
This episode's the first of the Season, and it's one of my faves!

*Transform And Roll Out

Dear Doctor

Episode Name: Dear Doctor
Series: Star Trek Enterprise, Season 1
Rating: Four Spaceships

Mission Briefing:
Dr. Phlox gets a letter from his friend Dr. Lucas. While he's working on a response, the Enterprise discovers a spaceship. The species have been looking for help for an epidemic that's been ravaging the planet. Archer sets Phlox on finding a cure. While working on figuring out the romance that seems to be developing between him and Crewman Cutler, Phlox gets to work on finding a cure.
But that's not going to be the only difficult thing this time around...

Mission Report:
A day in the life of Dr. Phlox. This episode was very interesting in that perspective. But the whole moral choices issue storyline could have been done better. I'm still a little confused over it.
But I liked learning more about Dr. Phlox's perspective on life. I also liked Captain Archer's prediction of the Prime Directive. That was kind of cool. This episode was more relaxing.
This was a pretty good episode overall, but my suggestion is to watch it more for learning about Dr. Phlox. In other words, it was good, but could use a good deal of tweaking.